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Amy's Story 

A young mom, who reconnected with her creativity and completely changed her life.


On the surface, Amy had checked all the life boxes she was "supposed to". But she couldn’t seem to enjoy it and didn’t know why. 

Instead she felt overwhelmed, anxious, and trapped. Most of all she felt guilty...

She was a stay at home mom with a husband and son she loved. But when her young son laughed or hugged her, instead of feeling love and connection she was overstimulated and angry. 

When her husband would come home from work and laugh and play with their son she WANTED to feel happy and grateful, but instead she felt resentful and envious. Every day she felt more disconnected from her loved ones and herself.

When she joined my 1-1 program, we took some time connecting with who she really was and what she REALLY wanted. She quietly admitted that part of her had always wanted to be a writer. She immediately tried to dismiss it and focus on being "a better wife and mom".

Being a writer felt impossible and selfish to even think about!

As we worked together over the next few months, her life started shifting.

As she built a relationship with the beautiful creative side of her she had been blocking, she was able to be more present, joyful, and connected. 

  • Instead of dreading get out of bed in the morning, she woke up energized and excited!
  • Instead of feeling overstimulated, she was finally able to play with her son. And enjoy it! 
  • Instead of feeling helpless and trapped, she felt empowered and confident about the life that she was creating. 

Six months later she had self published her first book and was already writing her next one. Her relationship with herself, her son, and her husband transformed into what she had always hoped for but didn’t know how to create.

Becoming a writer and living more in alignment with her true self had actually improved ALL the areas of her life. Including being a better wife and mom. 


"I was transformed into the person I wanted to be. She asked me to make three goals, and I achieved them all!

I am a new person: I am brave, my anxiety is gone, I'm a very fun person again, and everyday of my life is an adventure!

I do love myself, my body, and who I am. And it has changed everything."


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