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Bo's Story 

A high performer finds the meaningful work and impact they had wanted for a decade


When I met Bo they

  • put a lot of energy, time and effort into being a good parent
  • coached a high performing athletic team
  • and co-owned a successful journalism company

They were killing it! 

But for almost a decade they had wanted to leave journalism and do…something else. Something more meaningful and interesting to them. Something that felt important. 

They spent years trying to figure out what that something else was but kept hitting a wall.

They had prior experience with therapy and coaching and they were GREAT at articulating what they were experiencing. But actually FEELING it was a whole other thing. 

Bo's number one goal was to finally figure out what career they wanted to transition to and take action on it.

As we worked together 1-1, they were finally able to connect with the path that was calling them. It really clicked into place after the team they coached won an international tournament.

Bo’s way of leading teams is based in connection, community, and supporting individual strengths and interests. It’s both highly effective and it goes completely against the toxic alpha male leadership approach that is destroying our world.

We dived deep into why this approach was important to them and how they wanted to show up in the leadership space. And they wanted to GO BIG! Like world changing movement big.

We did the deep work of expanding their nervous system to be able to hold that vision and the subconscious blocks that had been keeping them from taking action in the past. Like the very sneaky imposter syndrome:

"One of the feelings that morphs into lots of different thoughts and objections is a very particular version of imposter syndrome which is that I believe in my leadership skills and all that I know about leadership and teambuilding ability to provide good coaching, and there is a part that feels phony and false..." 

As they cleared out blocks and settled more into alignment in their body they became more intentional with their time, more connected with their mission, and more consistent with following through on the actions they had been resisting. 

After six months of working together, Bo had outlined their leadership approach, started researching and writing a book, and was ready to take on their first clients as a Leadership Coach.


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